Sunday, November 29, 2009

Free Life

I realize I "borrowed" the title of this song from Dan Wilson, but I think he's on to something. In fact, I know he is.

I have this life, this free life, and in it, I may choose to do what I please. There is no one telling me I HAVE to do any one specific thing or not do something else. Given that freedom of choice, how should I choose to spend it?

Ultimately, I hope that in my life I am wise and make decisions based on what I believe is the only lasting thing in this world--relationships. I hope that in my time on this lovely earth I am able to be someone who treats others with kindness, compassion, and understanding. Granted, this will not always be the case, but nevertheless, it is what I hope for.

Now with this idea in mind, how am I to navigate the waters when I encounter someone who essentially is a constant source of turmoil and frustration? Personally, I do not want to become consumed by bitterness and anger. Yes the aforementioned person has wronged me more times than I could ever possibly even remember, but regardless, for my own sake, I do not want to be bitter and angry all the time. How is that I may be patient and understanding? I feel as though I have tolerated the person's ignorance, selfishness, and foolishness for long enough. Is there an end in sight? Certainly there must be, but what to do until that point?

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