Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Moment

Anyone who even remotely knows me is more than likely aware that I've been fighting to free myself from my ex-husband for years now. The simple, uncontested divorce alone took two years, and then there was the contempt case on top of it. Today was the hearing for the latter. After years of being the proverbial "bad guy" all I wanted was a tiny piece of vindication. I was scared and nervous that I wouldn't get it and that I would still, even despite the ex's clear willfulness to not uphold the divorce decree, be put in a corner so to speak. Things couldn't have happened more differently though...

We went to court and I actually had reservations about whether or not he would even show up. But there he was with his dad and new wife...we'll call her Little Miss Sunshine...seems appropriate given her age and bleached blonde hair. The ex was looking heroin chic, but not in that cool Olsen twin kind of way, but more like I felt as though I needed to buy him a burger and a haircut. Despite their very non-intimidating appearance, I was still a bit shaken by seeing him. After all, until today, I had not laid eyes on him physically since 2007. As soon as I saw my lawyer though all of the nervousness subsided. I was very comforted by talking to him and looking over the game plan. I had done my homework, and we had quite a bit of documentation to back up my case.

After a bit of chatting in the hallway, my lawyer, my mom and her husband, and I entered the courtroom. It was absolutely freezing inside. So even though I was inexplicably calm and collected, I couldn't stop shaking. The judge was an hour late to court, and we had to wait for several other cases to be heard before it was our turn. Finally they called my name though. By the way, I hope I never hear "Alexis Rice" called in a courtroom again. It's unnerving even when you're the good guy.

So we all take our places at our respective tables. My lawyer articulately makes his opening statement. Then the ex takes the stand. It was a little funny to see him nervous and without the ability to fight back employing his usual tactics of yelling at people to try to scare them into getting his way. My lawyer put it to him though and didn't let him pull any punches, even going so far as to ask the ex if he knew how to read since he claimed he was unaware of something clearly stated in black and white. I had a terribly difficult time hiding my amusement at that blow to his ego; however, I quietly sat and watched. He kept glaring at me from the stand. I assume he was trying to intimidate me. Didn't work though. Funny thing, he had filed a contempt case against me and on the stand contradicted his own case! It was brilliant.

After he stepped down, it was my turn. I tried to cooly walk across the court room to the witness stand. I took my oath and sat down. My lawyer questioned me first. My voice wavered a bit, in part because I was a smidge nervous and in part because I was so cold I was shivering. At any rate, my lawyer went through his line of questioning, and I was able to expound on my answers with him. Then it was opposing counsel's turn to grill me. The ex's lawyer was quite amicable actually and not at all threatening. He asked his questions and I gave simple answers making sure not to ask any questions myself.

My turn was up finally, and I must say I finished with a bang. I was quite proud of myself honestly. After I stepped down, the ex took the stand again. My lawyer is the man and didn't let him get away with anything. I told my best friend I even have a mini crush on my lawyer now because he saved me. :) Anyway, he served my ex up nicely on a silver platter. The judge made his ruling completely in my favor. The ex's face was priceless when the judge made his ruling, even making him responsible for $8,000 worth of repairs that I never mentioned or knew about until today. Not to mention he's responsible for my legal fees! Ah, and I can't forget to mention that the judge told him he's a big boy and needs to be responsible. Shazam! Oh sweet victory.

I don't think it's appropriate to disclose further details in such an open forum, but suffice it to say, that freedom is upon me today. I can breathe again, and perhaps I can start to truly live my life now. I'm a bit overwhelmed by it all. I was exhausted after court and took a five hour nap, and I'm still tired. :) It's mostly over now though. I can have a life. I'm not quite sure where to begin exactly, but I know I'm going to celebrate tomorrow, and I can't wait!

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