Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Perfect timing? Not so sure....

It's funny isn't it how supposedly God gives you who and what you need when you need them or it as the case may be? But I wonder if the timing is as accurate as some people believe.
I say this because in the years or so, I've made some amazing friends. I wonder how my life may have turned out differently had they been around for all the muck and mire of my past. My best friend alone is the only one to truly endure the mess with me and hold my hand as I toiled through through the sludge that was my life. Aside from her there were others, but she is the closest to me both geographically and emotionally and therefore endured the brunt of the storm. I can't help but think that perhaps I wouldn't be so cynical and jaded at times had I also had the blessing of these other friends to come alongside me when in the past when I needed them most. If that's the can one rest in the knowledge that God's timing is perfect when it doesn't seem so perfect at all?


Anonymous said...

With your last question on timing being perfect, for me, I have to question my heart. Do I trust Him or not? If I do, then I trust in and believe that His ways are indeed higher and better than mine...meaning His timing is better than mine. If I question at all whether His timing is perfect or not, it simply means that I am selfish enough to question God's timing, as if mine would be better than God Almighty...which means I'm enough of a spoiled child that I think my way would be better. The One who has woven my life perfectly all along, whether it felt that way at the time or not, has indeed always had perfect timing. The question is MY timing. If I think my timing is best, then I don't trust Him. So the question here is, how much do you really trust Him?

AARice said...

hmm...i suppose if i'm honest, the answer is that i don't know. i mean i don't know if i trust God or not. how do you trust a being you cannot see? how do you look at the ebbs and flows of your life and say something that to the untrained eye appears to be nothing short of a debacle and a disappointment and say it has been woven together perfectly? what do you see that i am unable to? sincerely i ask these questions and look forward to a reply. i would love to be able to make sense of some of this. thank you in advance for your wise words.