Saturday, December 27, 2008

What does it take?

I was driving today and began thinking and started to wonder, "what does it take to be the sort of woman after whom a man of greatness desires to chase? How do you become that woman for whom that man will gladly lay down his life? What defines that woman whom that man will protect, cherish, honor, respect, hold dear, and love with wreckless abandon?"

So, what does it take? Well, I came to the conclusion that in order to receive the kind of love that I desire, I must be wiling to first give it. I cannot allow myself to be guarded and hide behind my fears. Granted, there is much to be said for wisdom and moving forth with prayerful consideration, but I think there is also much to be said for having some a bit of nerve and not being afraid to sort of jump off a cliff and let go of all ration and reason and just go for it. If I want someone who can tell me that he needs me in his life or that he wants me to come somewhere or to do something, then I need to grant him the same courtesy. No more of these silly guessing games I say. Let's just be honest yeah?

You know, this note doesn't have to be long. It's simple really. I initially wasn't even sure that I was a woman who could be worthy of having a man chase after me or truly love me, etc.,but I know someone will someday, and that someone will love me as I am for who I am, and all those things I so very much desire will be second nature to him. I am waiting for him to make his move. Until then, I am simply carrying on with my life.

1 comment:

Blessed said...

carrying on with your life....sounds familiar...i bought the movie we can watch it:)