Monday, November 3, 2008


Our country is headed for a drastic change. We face a great amount of adversity, particularly as Christians. It appears that our faith is going to be greatly challenged and that we shall be persecuted for it. So, as men and women of the church, it is our duty and our privilege to stand up fight for what is right, to speak the truth, and to be mavericks in this society--choosing greatness, choosing to do what is right because it's right, and to be unapologetic about the word of our God. Our faith may at times be offensive, and we cannot sugar coat reality for fear of hurting someone's feelings. There is right, and there is wrong. As Christians, we need to take a stand and tenaciously hold fast to the truth of our God.

We need great men to become the warriors God has created them to be. We need them to stand firm and go into battle, for they are already more than conquerors. Lead the way and take a stand for all that is holy and righteous. Do not be afraid.

As women, it is our responsibility to elevate these men and instill in them a sense of confidence that they can in fact do all things through Christ who strengthens them. It is our job to respect them so as not to immasculate them. They need to be lifted up in prayer and strengthened by words of affirmation. This fight is arduous, and these great men will need refuge and comfort, and in our words and support they should readily find it. Never should they feel as though they are alone in this battle. They constantly need to be encouraged and lifted up on wings like eagles. The cause is serious, and the women of the church need to rise up and fight for this necessary change. Do not be afraid. Pray for endurance, wisdom, and discernment. Choose to be great. Choose to do the right thing because it's the right thing. Pursue righteousness, and defend all that is good and holy. Join with me in elevating these men to send them out into the world in the armor of God.

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