Tuesday, October 28, 2008

so it is...

I find myself in a rather unusual state currently. See, I had this problem a few months ago with someone whom I cared about very much, and still do really-simply in the sense that I care about the person's well being and love the person as a friend. At any rate, this particular issue arose and turned into a disaster. Words said and things done that may or may not have been right choices. I do know that at the time, I was VERY sure of myself and quite set in my thoughts concerning the wrongs I felt had been done to me. Stepping back a couple of months later, I find myself wondering if perhaps I was too harsh, or if maybe I had no right to say anything at all. I know that at the time, I was terribly hurt and was unable to wrap my mind around the "why" of the situation. I couldn't make it make sense and it drove me crazy. Finally I was able to let go and forgive and forget any and all wrongdoing.
Now though, this person, whom I wasn't sure would ever really even by friend again, chose to come to me to apologize, after already having apologized previously. Let me just say, it's a VERY humbling experience to be on the accepting end of an unprovoked, sincere, and unwarranted apology. It's hard to find the right words to express the shock I felt at first, and then the immense wave of humility that washed over me. What an expression of love for another person--to admit you were wrong by apologizing for your actions. That means accepting culpability which most people refuse to do and instead simply shift blame to someone else. What a man of God it takes to be able to do that. So, to this friend I say, "Thank you. I appreciate your heart. I wish I could understand what brought you to that point, but it's not for me to know. Truly, it doesn't matter anyway. You simply need to know that your words, though simple and few, were much appreciated, and I'm proud of who you're becoming."

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