Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Prayer for those who have hurt me...

I realize that when I have been hurt, my initial reaction is anger, then comes frustration, and slowly, a bit of understanding creeps its way in. I am hoping for the future to somehow obtain a great deal of wisdom so I am able to handle the pain in a better manner. I choose to no longer react in anger, but to allow the peace that passes all understanding to take over my heart so I may speak in love, seeing past my own pain to garner understanding of why someone would hurt me. I choose compasssion, grace, and mercy as my weapons of choice. I lay down my defenses...


I beg of you to grant me the wisdom to understand why I find myself in these positions of laying my heart on the line, only to have it torn time and again. Please, grant me your peace so that I may in turn grant grace and mercy to those who have hurt me. I do not want to be bitter or angry. I choose to love above all else.

For those who have inflicted pain upon me, God, please bless them beyond belief so that they may rise up in great success. I pray that those people are honored and respected, and that they essentially are untouchable...impervious to the strongholds Satan has attempted to place in their lives. I ask of you God to enshroud them in your love and grace. Dole out upon them more blessings than are imaginable. Protect them. Send your angels to their defense so they may not even tread upon a stone. Clear their paths of all that may hinder their walks with you. Build them up so they may rise on wings of eagles, just as it is written in Isaiah. Hold them close to your heart Lord, and do not allow them the pain of rejection or failure, only the joys of greatness.

This I pray oh Lord, and ask of you to grant me the strength, love, and compassion to maintain this position. Protect me from all that may steal my joy so that I am able to make you known by my love for others.


Anonymous said...

Hey Lex, please keep writing! I am so proud of the woman you have become. I have always enjoyed your intelligent insight and I will forever be appreciative of your knowledge and expression of the emotion that embraces your heart!

Christy said...

I am SO proud too...I love you!!!