Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Funny isn't it how life has such an interesting way of teaching you lessons. I have been all screwed up in the head lately, to the point of losing sleep and just generally driving myself (and probably my friends) crazy. (sorry about that guys.) So anyway, I was talking over a few of my most current dilemas with one of my most favorite friends earlier tonight, and suddenly, her absolute direct bluntness said it all. I'll refrain from using her exact verbage so as not to offend anyone with, shall we say, virgin ears, but the gist of what she was getting at is that I'm a sucker, and I let people screw with my head. Duly noted, and I'm much obliged for the wake up call. Not only that, but I let other people's problems and issues rule over me. I mean seriously, it's like I take ownership of other people's shit. Awesome right? I know. This is why I can't sleep, and it's ridiculous. I mean, I love a good glass of wine, but really, it probably shouldn't be a necessity to ensure a good night's sleep. Isn't that what the sheep with numbers on their sides are for?

I suppose the whole point here is that sometimes you need a swift kick in the pants to get off your ass and get on with life. What's that old adage? No use crying over spilled milk? Point taken. Thank you very much.

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